Training at Nepean gives you an excellent opportunity to complete your Basic Echocardiography CICM competency.
We realise you will all be at different stages in your training and have different educational goals during your time here.
Please read the basic echo training resources and know what the college expect from you. You are in the driving seat for your echo training, we will provide learning opportunities and work alongside you to assist you in achieving your echo goals during your time at Nepean.
Your college requirements in summary:
Attend an approved echocardiography course meeting the CICM Focused Cardiac Ultrasound requirements.
Perform and report 30 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound cases, assessed as satisfactory by a CICM approved Assessor. Assessment can be retrospective. At least two cases each of severe left ventricular dysfunction, severe right ventricular dysfunction, pericardial effusion and gross hypovolaemia should be included.
Complete a short on-line MCQ style exam, accessed via the CICM website.
Perform and report 2 Focused Cardiac Ultrasound examinations directly supervised by an approved Assessor at a satisfactory competence level before proceeding to unsupervised and/or remote assessments.
Complete the above requirements before entering your transition year.
What we plan to do for you:
Help you attend an approved basic echocardiography course. Nepean run a Rapid Assesssment by Cardiac Echo (RACE) course a few times a year that is college accredited. We will email you with details at the start of the year.
Deliver fortnightly echo teaching – this is a mixture of hands on and didactic/ case-based fun (see attached timetable)
Allocate you a supervisor who is an approved CICM echo assessor. They will meet with you over the course of your 30 scans. We will email you with allocations at the beginning of the year, it is your responsibility to organise meetings, we recommended doing this after every 10 scans. Please ensure you are savings scans.
Provide an abundance of echo resources available on the Nepean ICU website. Nepean is a rich learning environment for all things echo and you should maximise this during your time with us.
We also have accredited supervisors for ASUM's certificate in clinician performed ultrasound (CCPU) Rapid Cardiac Echocardiography (RCE) qualification and will happily supervise those interested. If any of you would like to do this in addition to CICM requirements check this out this link for more information.
Here's to a fun year, we look forward to working with you all and spreading the echo love!
Nepean Echo Team
